понедельник, 2 марта 2009 г.

Не все переводчики одинаково полезны

Есть у меня в этом семестре предмет про ложных друзей переводчика. Вчера, делая домашку, решила опробовать новенькую англо-эстонскую версию Google Translate. Так вот что я скажу: после шести часов выполнения заданий, когда я увидела ЭТО, случилась просто истерика. Это при том, что слова-то совсем невинные, всего лишь карточный шулер и кредитная карточка.
Близкие люди знают, что матом я не ругаюсь, но извините пожалуйста ситуация вынудила, поскольку это шедеврально. Это даже не тянет на уровень translate.ru, который как-то выдал мне на "general rules" - генерал рулит. :) Гугл молодцы, развиваются, но результаты как-то подозрительно смахивают на финский, из чего можно задуматься насчет происхождения некоторых слов в богатом и могучем русском. Так что мой совет - доверяй, но проверяй, причем как минимум год-полтора, пока они шлифуют содержимое.
Даа, представляю, как бы препода озадачил мой ответ, вставь я это в пробел для перевода.

upd: еще один красавец-перевод, на сей раз не моё открытие, но все равно отлично :)

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

So the Dutch word "kaart" could have the same meaning both as the English word "card" and as the English word "map". (But "card" as in "creditcard" would be the Dutch "pas".) Something analogous appears to be true in Estonian? (Or am I missing a level of nuance?)

Judging from my experience with Google Translate (mostly reading your blog) :) - it works best for long texts where you get context (misses a couple of words regularly (in this entry: матом, shedevralno, рулит and смахивают), but you have enough meaning for comprehension). Single words also work reasonably well (they toss in a 'dictionary' section with alternative translations). Short phrases are really bad, though, which is the case you're hitting here. That's quite understandable though, given Google's methodology (learning from actual texts) and the complete lack of context it has to work with.

Still, things are noticeably better now than they were 2-3 years ago, and I fully suspect they'll keep on improving for quite a while yet.

Also, "cardsharp" as one word is probably the less common way to write it in English. "card sharp" (with space) translates as "kaardi teravaid" - is that more correct? :)
(Likewise, "swipe card" is not common at all; "creditcard" is (I hope this is what you mean; it's the translated version of "кредитная карточка" at least) :) which translates as "krediitkaardiga". (Forgive me if you're aware of what's more common and purposefully translated less common alternatives; in that case I indeed missed something essential in Google's translation of your blog entry.)) ^_^

Dina комментирует...

WoW Sander! You're such an expert! Two more blogs and you'll teach Estonian to me. Honestly, I'm fascinated by the work done! Actually, these words are from tasks from my web-based course on false friends. Seeing how hard-working you are, maybe you want to do it for me, I'd be really glad, honestly :)).

Well, yes in Estonian 'kaart' means English map as well as card. However, I use more 'pangakaart' - directly translated as bank card.

And about the 'kaardi teravaid' - this is one of the cases of direct word-for-word translations when each word is translated separately like 'card' 'sharps', but you know it should have been 'elukutseline mängur' or sth else but not 'kaardi teravaid'. In this sense Google Translate is really weak at the moment. They started working on Estonian version a couple of months ago, one of the teachers even told us that team was looking for philologists. You can see it very well from the last link on the Estonian patriotic song, the last line of which is translated as 'Estonia is not afraid of boobs' - but actually it is about the Estonian (chest) standing up staunchly through the storms. XD

And finally about my long texts. You know I've been fighting with this habit of writing too much. But seemingly, they will never be equally short and informative. Ohh.
And the words that google can't translate usually don't exist in normal people's language, these are either mine *smiling proudly* or extremely colloquial.

Hey, I didn't forget about your Baltic trip! I'm waiting for a report with impressions and loads of photos!